$ ./plext1.py -hor they just type the script name without parameters, and the script tells them they have to provide this or that parameter. Here's a screen-scrape:
$ ./plext1.py -helpIf you type plext1.py --help or similar, you'll get the same thing.
./plext1.py: Play the 'plext'(tm) game.
Parameters: patterns (e.g., "ivngmarlbkstvl") or the verbose flag ("-v").
You can put more than one pattern if you like.
Note that the patterns MUST BE all lowercase.
The verbose flag applies to all subsequent patterns.
Now suppose you want to provide a website (a wiki, say) with the "help" messages for a bunch of these scripts. You could run each script, snarf'n'barf the help message, and put that onto your wiki. This might be OK if you just have a couple of scripts and you never (well, hardly ever) change them. But even with just a few scripts, you've got denormalized (redundant) data -- data that can easily get out of date.
That is, whenever you change one of the scripts, you have to snarf'n'barf the help message again, if you want the website to stay up to date. This is a waste of time, if not easily forgotten....
How about having a CGI that runs the script and displays the help message? This is such a bad idea that I don't even know where to begin....
But what if you had a CGI that would run pydoc(1) on the script? It might be able to print something like this:
$ pydoc /home/collin/plext1.pyEven better, the CGI could run pydoc -w and then spit the result onto your page, something like what you see at plext1.html. Now how cool is that?
Help on module plext1:
Play the 'plext'(tm) game.
Parameters: patterns (e.g., "ivngmarlbkstvl") or the verbose flag ("-v").
You can put more than one pattern if you like.
Note that the patterns MUST BE all lowercase.
The verbose flag applies to all subsequent patterns.
find_longest_match(an_arg, legal_words)
The parameter is a list; we expect sys.argv[1:] --
i.e. just the words, not the script name.
show_answer(an_arg, legal_words)
an_arg is a long string like "ivngmarlbkstvl" (MUST BE all lowercase);
legal_words is a list of words from the dictionary.
verbose = False
words = '/usr/share/dict/words'
Anyway, if you want to see the source of the program, here it is. Note that the entire content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
#!/usr/bin/python -ttDid that sound too much like a commercial? Too bad :)
# vim:sw=4:et
"""Play the 'plext'(tm) game.
Parameters: patterns (e.g., "ivngmarlbkstvl") or the verbose flag ("-v").
You can put more than one pattern if you like.
Note that the patterns MUST BE all lowercase.
The verbose flag applies to all subsequent patterns."""
import re
import sys
words = "/usr/share/dict/words"
verbose = False
def main(args):
"""The parameter is a list; we expect sys.argv[1:] --
i.e. just the words, not the script name."""
global verbose
legal_words = []
all_lower = re.compile('[a-z]*$')
w = open(words, 'r')
for a_word in w:
if all_lower.match(a_word):
got_a_word = False
for an_arg in args:
if an_arg == "-v":
verbose = True
# Not a flag; it's a plext puzzle
if all_lower.match(an_arg):
show_answer(an_arg.lower(), legal_words)
got_a_word = True
if not got_a_word:
print "Didn't get any words."
def usage():
print sys.argv[0] + ":", __doc__
def show_answer(an_arg, legal_words):
"""an_arg is a long string like "ivngmarlbkstvl" (MUST BE all lowercase);
legal_words is a list of words from the dictionary."""
num_words = 0 # none so far
while len(an_arg) > 0:
(match_len, some_words) = find_longest_match(an_arg, legal_words)
num_words = num_words + 1
print `num_words` + ": matched '" + an_arg[:match_len] + "':",
an_arg = an_arg[match_len:]
print "my best answer is:", num_words, "words"
def find_longest_match(an_arg, legal_words):
len_matched = 0
pat = ""
the_list = legal_words
# loop entry:
# the_list -> words matching len_matched bytes of an_arg
# pat -> pattern showing len_matched bytes
while len(the_list) and len_matched < len(an_arg):
if verbose:
print "trying to match:", an_arg[:len_matched+1]
old_list = the_list
pat = pat + '.*' + an_arg[len_matched]
pat_re = re.compile(pat)
the_list = filter(lambda aword: pat_re.match(aword), old_list)
len_matched = len_matched + 1
# At this point: Either we matched all of an_arg, or...
if len(the_list):
# Matched the whole thing
if verbose:
print "matched all of '" + an_arg + "': e.g.",
return (len_matched, the_list)
# Here, the_list is empty. So we matched len_matched-1 bytes.
if verbose:
print "matched", len_matched-1, "bytes of",
print "'" + an_arg + "': e.g.",
return (len_matched-1, old_list)
def printwords(a_list):
if len(a_list) == 1:
print a_list[0]
# else
print a_list[0], "or", a_list[len(a_list)-1]
if __name__ == '__main__':
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