There was a memorial service yesterday, and the
sound guy at the church made an audio CD.
I'm surprised everything fit, really; it was about 81
My dad noted that the CD had 81 tracks, each about a minute long.
When trying to listen to the CD on my mom's computer, he could only
hear a minute at a time, and a track would typically end in the middle
of a song or sentence. Then he'd have to hit the "Play" button
and wait for the CD to spin up again.
I supposed that there was no actual pause on the CD, but
that the CD player software just stopped when it saw a track marker.
To make this friendlier for playback on computer,
we decided to concatenate the "tracks" into a single long file.
We could divide it up into smaller pieces (inserting a track marker
when a particular song or speech starts, say) later.
My guess is that the sound guy
had a single very long audio track, and he told his CD burning
software to insert a track marker every 60 seconds. Why was this
a good idea? Well, suppose you're playing the CD on a CD player
(these things still exist). Some CD players don't tell you how
far into a given track they've gotten. So if you wanted to find
a spot 23 minutes into the thing, you'd be pretty much stuck with
either waiting 23 minutes after you hit "PLAY," or using the
skip/review function (if your CD player has one) while listening...
assuming of course that you knew what came before and after the
point of interest.
With the every-60-second track markers, you can skip 23
tracks. It still might start
in the middle of a song or sentence, but that's better than
waiting 23 minutes, right?
My newphew came into the room, and upon hearing the problem, proceeded
to copy 81 "AIFF" files into a directory on the computer's hard drive.
(Do audio CDs actually have AIFF files? No, but on Mac OS X
that's what it looks like in the Finder.)
This took a long time. After looking at the Activity Monitor app
and seeing no CPU or RAM hogs, we decided that
having a 98% full hard drive might have something to do with the
issue. That took care of some of our waiting time, anyway.
Anyway, he seemed to remember hearing that Quick Time 7 could
concatenate sound files, and he tried it, taking the first file
(I think the filename was "1 Track 1.aiff"
or something like this) and doing the click-and-drag thing
with "2 Track 2.aiff". After some seconds of
computing, the computer showed us that
we indeed had a two-minute file. We played it and there
was no audible gap or pause as we crossed the one-minute mark.
But nobody had the patience to drag the other 79 files, and
I certainly didn't feel confident that we could do it without error.
Attention wanders when doing tasks like that. The worst thing was,
if we did make a mistake (leaving out track #24 for example, or
appending track #72 twice), we might not notice it for some hours.
So we did a web search on concatenating .AIFF files. One result
mentioned using cat(1), so I gamely opened a terminal
window. My thought was to get all the files listed in order, then
pass them to cat, which would concatenate
them end-to-end. We would route the output to an output file,
say x.aiff.
How to get a list of all the files? Well, one could type something
like "echo *.aiff
" and get a result that looks something
like this:
% echo *.aiff
1 Track 1.aiff 10 Track 10.aiff 11 Track 11.aiff 12 Track 12.aiff
13 Track 13.aiff 14 Track 14.aiff 15 Track 15.aiff 16 Track 16.aiff
17 Track 17.aiff 18 Track 18.aiff 19 Track 19.aiff 2 Track 2.aiff
20 Track 20.aiff 21 Track 21.aiff 22 Track 22.aiff…
Actually the result is one very long line, which ends as follows:
79 Track 79.aiff 8 Track 8.aiff 80 Track 80.aiff 81 Track 81.aiff 9 Track 9.aiff
Is the first problem obvious? When we say "echo *.aiff" or
whatever, the output is sorted character-by-character, so for example
"19" comes before "2" because the first character of "19" (i.e., "1")
sorts lower than the first character of "2". The ls command
does that too. If you knew the files were written in a certain order
(e.g., track 2 has an earlier modification time than track 19 for example)
then ls might help, but since the source was an audio CD with no
mtime data, this didn't occur to me.
What did occur to me, though, was to say "sort -n"; as the
manpage tells us (type "man sort")
-n Compare according to arithmetic value an initial numeric string
consisting of optional white space, an optional - sign, and zero
or more digits, optionally followed by a decimal point and zero
or more digits.
So if we said "ls|sort -n"...
% ls *.aiff|sort -n
1 Track 1.aiff
2 Track 2.aiff
3 Track 3.aiff
4 Track 4.aiff
5 Track 5.aiff
6 Track 6.aiff
7 Track 7.aiff
8 Track 8.aiff
9 Track 9.aiff
10 Track 10.aiff
78 Track 78.aiff
79 Track 79.aiff
80 Track 80.aiff
81 Track 81.aiff
OK, that's more like it. Suppose then we piped all these to
cat(1). Umm, let's try with just the first three files.
% ls *.aiff | sort -n | head -n3
1 Track 1.aiff
2 Track 2.aiff
3 Track 3.aiff
The head command gives the first <howevermany> lines of its
input. To say how many lines (the default I think is 10), we use
-n# where # is the number of lines we want -- in this
case, three.
Given the three lines, how do we pass all of them to cat?
Easiest thing is the xargs command. If it had been invented
last week, there would probably be a patent application in the works, but
fortunately the idea came in an earlier era so all can use it for free.
Here's the thing: If you give xargs five lines, then it will
append them to the end of a single command line. So if we said for example
% ls *.aiff | head -n3 | xargs echo
1 Track 1.aiff 10 Track 10.aiff 11 Track 11.aiff
Right? We can do that with cat and send the output to a file
we'll call "x", maybe like this:
% ls *.aiff | sort -n | head -n3 | xargs cat > x.aiff
cat: 1: No such file or directory
cat: Track: No such file or directory
cat: 1.aiff: No such file or directory
cat: 2: No such file or directory
cat: Track: No such file or directory
cat: 2.aiff: No such file or directory
cat: 3: No such file or directory
cat: Track: No such file or directory
cat: 3.aiff: No such file or directory
Were you surprised, or did you wonder how cat would be able
to tell where one filename ended and the next began? Let's get rid
of the spaces in those filenames. There's any number of ways to do
that, but I typed something like this to see if it would work:
% for X in *.aiff; do echo mv "$X" ${X// /.}; done | head -n3
mv 1 Track 1.aiff 1.Track.1.aiff
mv 10 Track 10.aiff 10.Track.10.aiff
mv 11 Track 11.aiff 11.Track.11.aiff
What's "${X// /.}"? Well, let me go back to the beginning
of the line.
- for X in *.aiff; do
says to assign the variable X
to successive values of whatever filenames match *.aiff, and
execute everything until the done keyword.
- echo &hellip
I want to see what's about to happen,
rather than just executing it.
- mv "$X" …
The command mv is the Unix™
command "move", which is how we rename things. What do we rename? The
$X says "whatever's in shell variable X". Why do I put
the $X in "double quotes"? Because that tells the shell to treat
the entire name (1 Track 1.aiff for example) as a single
What new name will we give to $X? That's coming next.
- ${X// /.}
This tells the shell to start with the
variable X (which will be "1 Track 1.aiff" the
first time through, etc.) and replace all instances of " "
by ".". How did I know this? From reading the manpage for
the shell. Type "man sh" or
"man bash" some evening
when you're having trouble getting to sleep:
bash - GNU Bourne-Again SHell
bash [options] [file]
Parameter Expansion
The `$' character introduces parameter expansion, command substitution,
or arithmetic expansion. The parameter name or symbol to be expanded
may be enclosed in braces, which are optional but serve to protect the
variable to be expanded from characters immediately following it which
could be interpreted as part of the name.
The pattern is expanded to produce a pattern just as in pathname
expansion. Parameter is expanded and the longest match of pat-
tern against its value is replaced with string. In the first
form, only the first match is replaced. The second form causes
all matches of pattern to be replaced with string. If pattern
begins with #, it must match at the beginning of the expanded
value of parameter. If pattern begins with %, it must match at
the end of the expanded value of parameter. If string is null,
matches of pattern are deleted and the / following pattern may
be omitted. If parameter is @ or *, the substitution operation
is applied to each positional parameter in turn, and the expan-
sion is the resultant list. If parameter is an array variable
subscripted with @ or *, the substitution operation is applied
to each member of the array in turn, and the expansion is the
resultant list.
- done;
see item 1 above.
Convinced that that ought to work now, I do this:
% for X in *.aiff; do mv "$X" ${X// /.}; done
% ls *.aiff | sort -n | head -n3 | xargs echo cat
cat 1.Track.1.aiff 2.Track.2.aiff 3.Track.3.aiff
That's more like it. Now let's do the real thing:
% ls *.aiff | sort -n | xargs cat > x.aiff
Great! We looked at the size of each file (about 10 Mbytes per
track, except the last), and the output file, x.aiff, was about 800
Mbytes, so we were OK. Opening the result in Quick Time Player 7,
we found it was only as long as the last track, i.e., less than 40
Well, we went back to the web search, to the post that mentioned using
cat, and found that basically, you can't do that.
I did another web search and found that sox can in fact
concatenate sound files, including aiff files. Yes!
We went to the sourceforge site and downloaded the Mac OS X zip file.
I think it was a zip file anyway (actually happened about 12 hours ago).
Unlike a lot of Mac OS apps where you click here to install, etc.,
this one you just unpack and run it. I ended up typing something
% ~/Downloads/sox-14.2/sox…
but I'm getting ahead of myself.
First we looked at the documentation for sox, which told us that
if you want to concatenate sound files, you put them on the command
line, with the output file last. If I recall correctly the example
% sox short.aiff long.aiff longer.aiff
but of course we had 81 input files. What would the output file be?
I would want it to sort last, so I did something like this:
% touch 999.aiff; ls *.aiff | sort -n | xargs ~/Downloads/sox-14.2/sox
Then, opening 999.aiff in Quick Time Player 7, we found that it indeed
appeared to be about 81 minutes long.
Technology is great when it works. I copied the result to my
USB flash drive, so the lovely Carol can listen to it after I return home.