Monday, December 29, 2008

A great moment in parenting

My buddy "Bob" told me about a recent dinnertime conversation. His college-age daughter "Irene" is reputed to be an expert at waking people up. Here's what Irene said:
My roommate Lori had just one day between the last day of classes and her first final exam, so she told me to wake her up so she could get an early start studying. I woke up a little before her alarm went off, and lay in bed thinking. Her alarm went off and she hit the snooze button. She usually does this. But half an hour later, I decided it was time to take action.

"Lori..." I called, and she grunted.

"Lori... If you wake up... I'll make you some hot chocolate!"

She sat right up and said "Okay!"
Somebody remarked on this great technique, and as Bob tells tells it, she looked at him and said, "I learned it from my dad!"

As "Bob" says, "I don't have many great moments in parenting, but this was one of them."

I guess it was!

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