Monday, November 21, 2005

what's exciting

Some time last week, I came home and asked the lovely Carol about her day.

She told me about talking with ______, who wasn't sure about her spiritual growth. Carol asked her a couple of things, and encouraged her about some things she'd seen, and ______ was much encouraged when they parted. There is something about this that I find very, ah, arousing. I mean I feel like skipping dinner and heading straight to the bedroom with her! I wondered if I was the only person who reacts like that.

But not any more. One of the kids brought home a copy of EATS SHOOTS AND LEAVES (by Lynne Truss). The author talks about the fellow who invented the modern comma, and writes: "... I hadn't heard of him until about a year ago, but am now absolutely kicking myself that I never volunteered to have his babies." So there you have it -- at least one other person experiences admiration in a, ah (Stop! Are you over 21? If not, stop here! Now!)
in a sexualized way. Now, if you'll excuse me, the lovely Carol is going to take her shower. And I am going to supervise.

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